A downloadable game for Windows

Projectile is a 2D shooter game where you have to survive as much as possible and kill enemies and bosses.

Warning ⚠️

This game is no longer supported, I made an improved version of it, called Retoohs (https://orangomango.itch.io/retoohs). I improved the graphics, the gameplay and added a reverse feature where you play as the zombies. Any other missing feature will be added in the next update. Retoohs (reversed name of shooter) is available for Linux, Windows, Mac and Browser. Play that game instead :)


Link to GitHub: here.

How to play

  • Complete the tutorial
  • There are 4 difficulties: easy, medium, hard, extreme
  • You get score by defeating the enemies and the boss(es)
  • Use grenades when there are many enemies near each others
  • You can kill enemies once they spawned completely and you can go outside the screen to get back from the other side.
  • There are 3 types of enemies: Enemy1 (at 0 score), Enemy2 (at 500 score with 10% chance), Enemy3 (at 1000 score with 7% chance)
  • Many types of weapons available (common, rare and legendary)
  • Complete tasks and achievements to earn xp
  • Survive as much time as possible and earn score
Updated 2 days ago
Release date Apr 29, 2022
Tagsjava, javafx
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksSource code


projectile_2.0_windows.zip 86 MB

Install instructions

Windows executable

Download the archive and extract it. After that simply run the exe file

Linux and Mac versions are coming soon


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The windows executable opens a small white empty screen for me :c

(2 edits)

Hello, when did you try it? This was a bug but yesterday I fixed it. Some libraries were missing. Try to run it another time.

If still it does not work. Try to run the executable windows jar with the command java -jar game-windows.jar, but you need to have java installed.


I downloaded it like a week ago and tried yesterday, thanks for fixing it :D
